05 Aug LIME manufacturing stages
First Stage ( Quick Lime ) in this stage we burn lime stone in hight tempperature up to 1000 c to produce quick lime with higth purity produce quick lime with hight purity up to 95 % in closde kiln ad all emissions exit throught the main stacj which reach 51 meter height
second stage ( grinding of lime stone ) in this stage we grind lime stone to fineness 45:90 micron also grind quick lime to the previous fineness and crushing quick lime to lumps
Third Stage ( hydrated Lime ) in this stage we add sultable amount of wate to quick lime to produce hydrated lime with finensess 40 micron : and different grades A.from 70 to 80 % B.from 80 to 90 % C.from 90 to 95 %
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